martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Art Institute.

Art Institute

            My sister is a big fan of art, despite she doesn’t know anything about it or just the most famous things, she always want to go to the art museums to feel nice. However, she always asked me to go to the Art Institute and my answer always was the same “boring”. When, I saw the webpage, an interested about the museum born on me because it looks nice. When I entered into the museum I wasn’t feeling good at all, but I did my max trying to learned. The first exploration was good saying that I really do not find so much interest to the paintings. The famous painting by George Seurant that I did not know before just when I entered to the class was nice. Seeing it closely was different effect from see it from far. The Van Gogh paintings are so nice too, but the one I really like it because I think is different for the other paintings is The Bedroom is colorful and alive.

In the last galleries, it was many good paintings. When we need to pick up one painting for the group work, my partner and I had a different likes, so we choose one that I really like it.
 Spanish Dancer by Nathalija Gontcarova 

In the mini presentations my classmates gave, I learned about different paintings and I saw different things that I didn’t see it before the presentations. 

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