martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

Smart Museum- Self Evaluation.

                Well my group and me chose The Smart Museum.  I think that is the first time I really like to work in group because I am the person who really hated the group projects.  Checked the time my classmates can meet and gave the different work for each one I don’t liked that. However, I really liked to work this time. First, nobody couldn’t the days I had free because they just can on Friday, but I changed my shift and we went to the museum on Friday morning.  In the museum was easy to  work because we merge very well. When we do, the power point was easy. I did the complete idea, put the information, and I send it to my classmates and they add the things and put more information and that was the first time I really worked and group because I always did the work. However, going to the museum I learned different paintings and things. The museum was small but with some interesting paintings. I showed the pictures to my sister and she already asked me to go with her in my vacations.  

Añadir leyenda
My favorite painting in the Museum

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012



          Well. Like I tell you in class I always have special pleasure to the shadows and I can’t explain exactly why, but I love to see them. Well, in front of my room is a small sculpture on a table and it always reflect a shadow that I really like it.

          I think I like it because it looks like a child praying and looks so sweet and that made me remember when was young and I did it. However, when I had the assignment without thinking I took the picture and when I was doing it I saw that myself had a shadow in the wall, but it looks not like myself it looks more like a fetus or when a mother is giving birth. 

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Frida Kahlo

                 Frida is a movie about Frida Kahlo where it shows the life of her. At the beginning of the story it showed how funny she was how she loved the life. At short age, she suffered a bus accident with his boyfriend, he was fine, but she couldn’t walk for long time. His boyfriend left Mexico and while she was in bed because the accident she started painting. After long time, she could walk and she met Diego Rivera a revolutionary painter. He recognized that she was really good painter. They were really good friends and after a while they married. Frida caught him with another girl, but because she knew that his husband was unfaithful she forgot him. However, after caught him with her sister, Frida leave him. The movie shows a strong, introvert, different Frida that the people at that that time was supposed to see. Because the accident she suffered, all of his life was problems. When she was old, she was in bed couldn’t do anything. She married again with Diego Rivera because he asked and her collections were really famous. This are some facts that show in the movie. I am Mexican and I never saw the movie before because the comments the people tell me were not good. However, for me the movie was a little boring and I could understand the movie because some parts are in Spanish. The story is really good, I didn’t know the entire story about Frida and I study her in school in my home town. After I finished seeing the movie I taught how I couldn’t see it before.
The actresses Salma Hayeck in the movie

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Art Institute.

Art Institute

            My sister is a big fan of art, despite she doesn’t know anything about it or just the most famous things, she always want to go to the art museums to feel nice. However, she always asked me to go to the Art Institute and my answer always was the same “boring”. When, I saw the webpage, an interested about the museum born on me because it looks nice. When I entered into the museum I wasn’t feeling good at all, but I did my max trying to learned. The first exploration was good saying that I really do not find so much interest to the paintings. The famous painting by George Seurant that I did not know before just when I entered to the class was nice. Seeing it closely was different effect from see it from far. The Van Gogh paintings are so nice too, but the one I really like it because I think is different for the other paintings is The Bedroom is colorful and alive.

In the last galleries, it was many good paintings. When we need to pick up one painting for the group work, my partner and I had a different likes, so we choose one that I really like it.
 Spanish Dancer by Nathalija Gontcarova 

In the mini presentations my classmates gave, I learned about different paintings and I saw different things that I didn’t see it before the presentations. 

Industry Of The Ordinary

          The day was the field trip to the museum of Industry Of The Ordinary I couldn't go because i was sick. However, I went to the museum the couple weeks later by myself. When I just arrived at the museum I was confused when I entered and saw the projection i was like what it this. I walked  the all museum and read the all information, but I was still confused. The security lady told "hey, you can seated and saw the projection" so i did it. When I finished saw it i entered into the house and saw the portraits with the self images and i was in shock because i really like that. I discovered that art can be a simple things not just big sculptures or famous paintings. I still a little confused about the museum because it was really different at what I'm used to see or know about museums.

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

Question number 20.

Choose 1 of those and then find an artwork that can be classified with your chosen term. Explain your chosen term and post a picture of an artwork here that demonstrates the term you chose. Explain why it is either representational or abstract.

This Art work is representational because is something real present. Is show a visible work, visual experience. Is representational because is a human being.