martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

Notre Dame Cathedral

Notre Dame Cathedral Paris

          The artwork I choose is called "Notre Dame Cathedral" and is a cathedral in France. I really do not know who made it, but searching in the web the only thing i found it was that Bishop Maurice de Sully ordered to made it. However, many people were involved in the construction because the time passed and each person made remodeling. Well, why i liked? I only heard about the cathedral in a disney movie, but i really do not about the story. Well, i went to Paris and i saw a lot of art paintings, sculptures, architecture etc.. but the art that most attracts me was the cathedral, it is amazing. At the first looking you say, wow and after you know all the story and how is made is more wow. Well, is a cathedral it was suppose that was made it for catholic purposes, but i like it because it have a really good architecture. First, the front have too many small sculptures that each one have the own history. In the above picture is on the back of me the small sculptures it can't really see it very well. Second, inside of the cathedral have like a big mirrors that are amazing. i can't really tell you all the story because is a lot. I was reading in a web page the story of it and is kind of different one that in France told me. One interesting fact that made me love more it was that when France was in world war two almost all France disappear i mean that almost everything was destroyed. However, the Notre Dame Cathedral wasn't destroyed because the construction of the cathedral have a big mirrors for walls and is just destroyed the mirrors and it are the walls, that means that they just put mirrors again and is good again. Well, they told me too that, most people see it because the architecture not for catholics reasons. The walls are so unique too, because it have some things that made the sound of the orchestra unique. I really recommend you to learn about it because is amazing
This two links are about interesting facts about the Cathedral.  

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